We are happy to continue the Dragonflight Auction in 2023. If you've got some old gaming stuff that you don't want any more, or if you're looking for great deals on used or out-of-print games, be sure to leave some room in your convention schedule for this very popular event!
Auction Intake
Auction intake will take place on Friday from 9 AM to 4 PM, and Saturday from 9 AM to 12 PM. You will need to complete an auction intake form for each lot that you wish to sell. Auction intake forms will be available at the convention, or you can complete forms in advance using
this link. Each lot must be boxed, bagged or tied securely so that no stray pieces can fall out or get separated from the lot. Please disclose if a game is missing components, and clearly denote any games intended as "for parts". Please note that copyrights will be respected, and no homemade copies will be accepted for sale. We reserve the right to refuse lots for sale for any reason.
You need to have a full 3-day badge to sell at the Auction.
This auction intake form is intended for Dragonflight GameCon attendees to complete in advance of the con. Please complete one form entry per lot. You can also sell using the paper forms that will be available at the convention.
Dragonflight GameCon is happy to accept items for donation to the auction, but the items should be complete and in reasonably good condition. For donations, 100% of the auction fees go back to the Dragonflight GameCon organization. Donations are not tax deductible.
Quick Sale
From 1 PM to 8 PM on Saturday, the auction lots will be available for preview at Auction Intake [Skyview Boardroom (Boardroom 3)] on the second floor of the hotel. A number of lots will also have a Quick Sale price - for the first 15 minutes, Quick Sale will be sealed bid to ensure everyone has a chance to see what is available; after that they can be purchased right then and there, first come first served.
The Auction
The Dragonflight GameCon auction will take place in the Skyview Ballroom on the Sunday of Dragonflight GameCon from 10 AM to 2 PM, or when all the lots have been auctioned off or unsold. All unsold lots will come across the block a second time at the end of the auction for a last-chance sale, and consignors can lower the reserve price on their lots if they desire for this second pass. This is a live auction, and you are obligated to pay for any item for which you place the highest bid. There will be a viewing of items prior to the auction. Buyer beware: returns are not possible and all items are as-is.
You are expected to pay for your lots before you leave the Skyview Ballroom. Dragonflight GameCon accepts both cash and major credit cards for auction purchases.
You need to have either a 3-day or Sunday-only badge to buy at the Auction.
After the Auction
Dragonflight GameCon retains 20% of the final selling price of each lot sold, out of which all applicable sales taxes are paid; resulting in approximately 10% of the price of the items sold at the auction being used to fund future activities of Dragonflight GameCon. Any money that is due to sellers will be remitted at the auction desk in the Skyview Ballroom as soon as possible following the close of the auction. Payments at the convention will be in the form of cash or PayPal; if you cannot pick up the money owed to you, a check will be mailed out shortly after the convention, and you should receive it within two weeks. Any unsold auction items not claimed by 4 PM on Sunday will be considered as donations to Dragonflight GameCon and will be disposed of as we see fit. Questions or concerns regarding payment should be directed to the Dragonflight GameCon Treasurer and President.
The auctioneer is licensed and bonded with the State of Washington.